الإجماع في الفكر الأصوليِّ للقاضي عبد الجبَّار

الإجماع في الفكر الأصوليِّ للقاضي عبد الجبَّار



This research aims to uncover the consensus (ijma’) in the juristic thought of Judge Abdul-Jabbar Al-Mu’tazili ،the leading figure of Mu’tazilite theol-ogy in his time ،and the author of the book “Al-Umdah ،“ considered one of the pillars of the science of Usul al-Fiqh (Principles of Islamic Jurispru-dence). The researchers addressed various issues related to consensus ،such as how the judge derives the authority of consensus ،who acknowledges their consensus ،the consensus of believers in every era as an argument ،the ruling on consensus when one or two disagree ،methods of identifying consensus، differences among the companions in a matter with two opinions ،the ruling on introducing a third opinion ،consensus occurring after a dispute ،consen-sus of the people.

أثر وسائل التواصل الحديثة على الأسرة الطلاق والخلع )أنموذجاً( دراسة فقهية مقاصدية على واقع الأسرة اليمنية والسودانية

ABSTRACT Research Abstract Modern communication tools have significantly impacted relationships within the family and community ،especially within Yemeni and Sudanese families. This study aims to highlight the risks of the negative effects of mod-ern communication tools on the family and

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